Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2


Prayer is one of the basic building blocks of Christianity. We know prayer is good, and we know it’s important. But we don’t always feel confident about the specifics. How often should I pray? What should I pray about? How long should my prayers last? When should I pray by myself, and when should I pray with a group? The good news: there is more than one right answer to these questions! When Jesus died and rose again, He gave us an all-access, VIP backstage pass to God. This means we can pray at any time, and our prayers can take a variety of forms.

Prayer is deeply personal, and we can express our personal relationship with God in unique ways. No matter what shape, or form, or style it takes, prayer is about having a conversation with God. Sometimes we do more talking, sometimes we do more listening. But at the end of the day, a prayerful relationship opens us up to be transformed to become more like Jesus. Approaching prayer as a spiritual discipline means we are intentional with our approach and in our willingness to pray in a variety of ways.

Main Scriptures



  1. What first comes to mind when you hear the word “prayer”?
  2. What does this passage teach us about how we pray? Matthew 6:5-8
  3. What stands out to you about this prayer? How does it inform your own prayer life? Matthew 6:9-13
  4. What does it look like to devote yourself to prayer? Colossians 4:2


  1. What are some key differences between meditation and prayer?
  2. What does it look like to pray without ceasing? Why is this important for our spiritual growth? How is praying without ceasing connected to the ideas in the passage? 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19
  3. How does prayer and meditation work together?
  4. What to avoid while meditating or praying?
  5. Apart from meditation and prayer, what other spiritual disciplines can believers undertake to become more like Christ?